I believe that we need to unite in prayer until Jesus' return! It is just that simple! We can continue to waste time talking, debating, hating, looking to others to define us.... Or we can READ what God's word says and declare HIS promises over ourselves, our family, and our communities. Because HE will charge his angels to stand guard over the believers who walk in authority in the name of Jesus.. And one who trust in Jesus as their Lord And Savior should not fear death because they know they will be in heaven with God when it's there time to go. But until God calls us home... We need to UNITE in prayer and proclaim God's goodness to this hurting world... We need to saturate ourselves with the words written in the BIBLE... (Book of Life) because that is the ONLY TRUTH there is. God's word brings life, conviction (not condemnation), freedom, forgiveness, love, joy, peace, mercy, grace. If you BELIEVE what is written IN THE BIBLE. THEN your identity will be grounded in what God's says.. You will be secure in the fact that HE loves you with an unconditional love.. A love that surpasses understanding.. And no more will you strive to look outward for approval or become influenced by others opinions and values. As a Christian there are so many different Christian Faith's...Catholic, Methodist,Baptist,full gospel, Pentecostal..etc. In life there are so many different kinds of people and cultures and beliefs systems... Some of these line up with God's word in the bible and some of them... Carry there own message and have their own agenda.. But one thing is TRUE....Jesus Christ died for us all!! He did not say = I will only go to the Jew, or the Gentiles or the Samaritan, or the Pharisees... He came to SAVE US ALL! The thing is we all have a FREE WILL and we decide if we will choose GOD Jesus (who is life eternal) or the WORLD views (with is death).....
My thoughts on the protest against police officers in our country. Whatever feels good is not what you do!
If it feels good and you walk in emotions.... You need to check it against God's word.. Even though your child is crying because he wants a candy.. Sometimes that word NO! Is what he needed.. Did it hurt you to spank him YES... Did it hurt him to get spanked YES!! But it was necessary!
When a person is resisting arrest regardless of the fact that they are quilty of a crime or not.. They must submit to the governing authority... Will there be corrupt officers, priests, pastor, politicians... Absolutely! There will also be evil until the day we enter heaven! When it comes to correction ... Sometimes we all need a good spanking..We need to remember the word of God that says....Vengance is mine, says the Lord and the more that people disrespect the governing authority's the worse it will get and the worse it gets,,, the more of our freedoms will be taken!! WAKE UP PEOPLE! The plan of the enemy is to DIVIDE US! WE MUST UNITE and PRAY for GOD's MERCY. We need to pray for our law enforcement officer regardless if we like them!! NOT everyone likes US!! No human is perfect only Jesus Christ!