Healing and Freedom

August 25, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

Healing and Freedom



The LORD confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only he will release my feet from the snare.

Psalm 25:14–15


"Only HE will release my feet from the snare." The whole 25th Pslam is full of wisdom and knowledge to help anyone who is battling with their faith, addictions, relationships, fear, or consequence of past sins.

This picture was taken at a freedom retreat, where i began to release control of my life to.... God!

I choose to let “Jesus take the wheel”. Since this photo was taken about 9 years ago, I have attended many more bible studies, retreats, freedom groups, etc.  Only because, my walk with the Lord is a continual process until i get to heaven.  I will never get it right, until i am in heaven.  I need to continually work out my freedom and continually deny my flesh of what it wants.  What does my flesh want? It wants to take pain away by drinking, etc. It wants to control family and friends so that I do not get hurt by them. It wants to blame others for my mess. It wants to hide from my life and isolate. It wants to be fearful and run from my past. It wants to run from the consequences of my disobedience and bad choices.  It wants other people to fix my mess so, they in turn become "God" to me.  And the worse one of all; my flesh wants to believe the lies of satan that I am unloveable.  

My flesh (at one time in my life)..... wanted nothing to do with God because, I did not TRUST GOD to be “GOD" in my life. 

  Freedom only comes when we realize that God's grace is available to us all the time, we only need to reach out to him for help.  The Holy spirit is an ever present help in time of need.  God does not sleep, he doesn't get frustrated with us or give up on us.  He wants us to be healed, full of joy, and to know that he LOVES us unconditionally.  There is nothing that we have to do for him to love us because, God is love.  

The tough part about being a christian is believing that he loves me and that I need to TRUST in him.

When I battle with myself and my own thought life......  When I listen to the lies of others or the lies in my own mind about life.....

 then that is when I get out of  the umbrella of God's grace and love.  

He does not move away from me, I move away from him.  

I can move away from God  in times of great stress or it can be in times of great success and peace. Whatever moment I decide that "I GOT THIS"

 God moves out the way and leaves me to make my own decisions and choices.  God will never force his way into my life or make me serve him.  It is always a choice I make everyday and every moment that I am alive and breathing.  As soon as I take my last breath then all the choices I have made and not made are completed,  and then i will spend eternity in heaven.  

So as a Christian do I have responsibllies on this earth that god demands of me?      He does not demand!

 He allows us to make our own choices and when we choose his ways and follow his lead..... at that very moment...  we are given HIS grace and mercy and love and freedom and JOY and HEALING for our souls (mind, will and emotions) and for our bodies.

Everyone will one day die and leave this earth, but how I live on earth with the time God has given me; will determine how much peace I will have.  

When I choose God above all else, things are so much better!  I do not want to go through life without God.  He is the reason I live and breathe and HIS grace and mercy are what carry me through life's most difficult moments.  

Please read the 25th Psalm 

In you, Lord my God, 
I put my trust. I trust in you; 
do not let me be put to shame, 
nor let my enemies triumph over me. 
No one who hopes in you 
will ever be put to shame, 
but shame will come on those 
who are treacherous without cause. 
Show me your ways, Lord
teach me your paths. 
Guide me in your truth and teach me, 
for you are God my Savior, 
and my hope is in you all day long. 
Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, 
for they are from of old. 
Do not remember the sins of my youth 
and my rebellious ways; 
according to your love remember me, 
for you, Lord, are good. 
Good and upright is the Lord
therefore he instructs sinners in his ways. 
He guides the humble in what is right 
and teaches them his way. 
All the ways of the Lord are loving and faithful 
toward those who keep the demands of his covenant. 
For the sake of your name, Lord
forgive my iniquity, though it is great. 
Who, then, are those who fear the Lord
He will instruct them in the ways they should choose.
They will spend their days in prosperity, 
and their descendants will inherit the land. 
The Lord confides in those who fear him; 
he makes his covenant known to them. 
My eyes are ever on the Lord
for only he will release my feet from the snare. 
Turn to me and be gracious to me, 
for I am lonely and afflicted. 
Relieve the troubles of my heart 
and free me from my anguish. 
Look on my affliction and my distress 
and take away all my sins. 
See how numerous are my enemies 
and how fiercely they hate me! 
Guard my life and rescue me; 
do not let me be put to shame, 
for I take refuge in you. 
May integrity and uprightness protect me, 
because my hope, Lord, is in you. 
Deliver Israel, O God, 
from all their troubles!
Keep reaching for God's grace so that he can heal and restore you! 













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